Basically actually alHere are some ways to know You’re in desperate need of “Me Time.”
Let’s have a little real talk.
As a parent, have you ever been FRUSTRATED?
Have you ever thought that your KIDS are GETTING ON YOUR LAST NERVE?
If YES, then it Might be time for some ME-TIME.
You know that it is time to take care of ME when…
If you walk out the house 3 out of 5 days a week with a hat on, because you don’t have a minute to do your own hair. (Make that appointment, girl!)
If it takes you several days to respond to emails and text messages, and when you do sit down to reply, you are humming the theme song to the kid show du jour in your house
If you leave your house with either your shirt inside out and backwards or with stains on your clothes (which never happened before you had kids) and pretend that they weren’t there when you put them on… it is definitely time for some Me Time!
Seriously – if I can be honest with you, there has been times where I have wound up in my sons’ room fussing and I really do not know what all the fussing is about or I was actually fussing at the wrong child. Hey, I am not perfect! I am HUMAN. So I try my hardest find ways to de-stress, decompress, and re-center myself so that this is not an everyday or even every week occurrence.
Sometimes Me-Time is so important that there are times that you may need to put yourself in time-out just to have a few minutes and regroup. Like those times that you are so exasperated that you cannot remember the name of the child that you are talking to. You know what I mean, when you go through all of their names before you get to the right one and you only have 3 kids. It is at that exact moment that you need Me-time. Go put yourself in time out, immediately.
Face it, life gets seriously crazy as a parent. The amount of flexibility that you need to pivot and turn everyday with parenting, school, work and other responsibilities will have any parent losing their mind – even just a little. It is part of the parenting struggle.
As parents, we are always telling our kids to breathe and to “blow up the balloon” but we really ought to take our own advice. Here are a few things that you can do to unwind and decompress
- Bath – Bubbles are negotiable. I know that I rarely use my tub for myself – mostly for the kiddos but there are times that a hot bath (maybe some candles and wine) are exactly what I need to just escape and relax.
- Electronics fast – Turn everything off (i.e. cell phones, tablets, laptops) so that you just have time for you (and your significant other if you are doing this together)
- Homemade facials – Giving yourself a facial at home is a great way to force yourself to be still, relax your facial muscles and mentally unwind.
All in all, there are going to be times that we lose it and that we are going to need to count to 10 before using our mommy voice again – it is going to happen. But just taking a little time to regroup, recompose and relax – will make a life a little more manageable and put you back on your “A” game.